Yes, I have a very bad neck. I landed on my head doing a back hand spring in high school. I ran into a plate glass window in college. I w...
Grace-Filled Covenant-Keeping Love
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. ~ Genesis 2:24, KJV Ha...
Stupid In America
John Stossel did a special on television entitled Stupid In America showing the utter chaos of our educational system. He blames the spiri...
Busy Day - Busy Week
I won't be having the Friday Five this week because I'm coming off of such a busy day/busy week. It's been incredibly awesome, b...
Fake Love And Fake War
This is an incredible article by Russell Moore. I encourage all of you, along with your husbands and older sons, to read it. He writes th...
Woman Can't Have It All
Finally, a prominent woman gets it or so I thought. She worked in Washington D.C. and has two teenage sons. She realized she couldn'...
Monthly Calendars for July, August & September
The printable calendars are ready for July, August & September! Each page has the month at a glance, plus the following sections to writ...
How to Shield and Protect Growing Children
When we planted our young lilac tree in the front yard, I decided to stake it to a long piece of wood. I remember standing in the garden wit...
Separate Bedrooms?
One reader asked me if I thought it was okay for married people to sleep in separate bedrooms. I told her I didn't see a problem with i...
A Free Apron Pattern - And a Titus 2sday Link-Up Party!
Click here to view and print the pattern I've been wanting to make an apron for months, and today I finally did it! As you'll see, i...
Emma Isn't The Boss!
Emma would love to be the boss. Most children would love to be the boss if they could. Ryan made Emma's breakfast this morning. He st...
Being Selfish And Manipulative
She is an old woman now who has raised a lot of children. When being interviewed she was asked what is different about today's women co...
Walk As A New Creature
My sister saw a guy running along the beach with the word "sinner" plastered across his chest. On his back were the words ...
The Beauty of Submission - Audio Blog
Click to play an audio version of my message, "The Beauty of Submission." It's about 25 minutes long. I shared this with my ch...
Lovers Of Pleasure
The Bible says that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves...lovers of pleasures more than...
Friday Five - June 21st!
It's Friday and here are a few of my favorites from around the web! 1. The Chuppies - This is What I Worked on During Naptime After you ...
Summer Cash Giveaway!!
Homeschool Giveaways & Hearts at Home (their sister site) have teamed up with some wonderful bloggers to offer you a chance to win $200....
Is God Good?
Life can cause very heavy hearts sometimes. Today I read about a young woman who had a wonderful husband and young son. Several weeks ago,...
Raising Girls in a "Me" Generation
Image from Anderson Cooper's Segment on Toddlers in Tiaras We're raising daughters in a “me” generation, where women are striving fo...