Breaking News
Thursday 9 February 2012

Info Post

When you crawl into bed and are having trouble falling asleep, what do you do?  This happened to me the other night.  I was having troubled thoughts and my mind couldn't rest.  I knew I needed the peace that only Jesus could offer.

Carol Hopson's book The Journey From Feelings To Faith was beside my bed so I started reading it.  After each chapter, there are questions and verses you can ponder.  There were at least six Bible verses to write out, so I went about writing each one out word for word.  I knew I needed some of God's Word renewing my mind.

Then I read about Carol's simple, deep faith and it was like a healing balm to my soul.  God's Word and His ways are life.  She reminded me that we are to be a sweet aroma of Jesus that draws others to Him.  I want my life to look like that.  Her life sure does.

Wherever she goes, she tells others about Jesus, either with her words or her actions.  Whenever she leaves her home, she asks the Lord to use her.  The people in the grocery store who fill the shelves know her.  She stops and talks with them whenever she sees them.  She brings them gifts.  She shares Jesus while her hair is being done and those around her who are listening have come to know Jesus.

She is like Tim Tebow.  They are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.  They live and breath it and want everyone to know their precious Savior.

I want to be like Carol and Tim.  I want to truly love all those that God puts in my path.  I want my life and my words to point them to Christ.  Think what a powerful church we would be if we all lived like that in front of this dark and decaying world?

People need Jesus.  Many are lost and lonely, searching for answers.  Pray each day that God will use you in the lives of your children, husbands, friends, and strangers.  This world needs love, God's love.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes. 
Romans 1:16

P.S.  I just purchased several copies of Carol's books. If you can't afford to buy one, yet feel like it is something that could help you in this time of your life, leave me a comment with your email address.  I will pick several of you and mail you a copy.

If any of you live in the San Diego area, she is having a one day retreat entitled A Spa For The Soul In Troubled Times.  I went to her last one and it was incredible!!!


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