Breaking News
Wednesday 15 February 2012

Info Post

Abortion always causes heated debates, because both sides feel so passionate about what they believe in.  I have decided I am pro-choice.  You have freedom of choice if you choose to have sex outside of marriage or if you choose to wait until you are married.  When you choose to have sex outside of marriage and a human being is being created because of that choice, I feel you should have no choice to destroy that human being.

Your freedom of choice comes only when and if you want to have sex.
  The human being  growing inside your body as a result of that choice is another human being.  It is not your own body.

To bear a child and even put it up for adoption is a wonderful thing.  Many, many couples would want to adopt the baby.  If you choose to abort, most women suffer years of pain and guilt knowing full well that they allowed their baby to be killed.  Abortions have even been linked to increased rates of breast cancer.

Yes, God is a loving and forgiving God.  If you have had an abortion, He will forgive you, but that won't stop me from encouraging women who are pregnant now to have that precious baby.  You will not be sorry.  God allowed that baby to be conceived and is being created inside your womb.

My main encouragement to young women is to choose right now to wait to have sex until marriage.  Your virginity is a wonderful gift to give to your future husband someday.  You aren't an animal and you have the self-control to wait despite what society wants you to believe.  You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you!

Most young people want to be given boundaries ~  

They feel loved with boundaries. 

They want to be told they can live within those boundaries and they are for their protection. 

They want to know they can say "No" and wait until marriage when a man will love them enough to make a commitment to them before they give them their bodies. 

They need to be told they have value and are loved by an Almighty God who loves them dearly. 

They need to hear the freedom the Gospel provides. 

So go and tell them!  Tell them not to listen to the destructive lies that society is telling them.  God is our Creator and His ways are best.

For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place. 
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,  
your eyes saw my unformed body. 
All the days ordained for me were written in your book 
before one of them came to be. 
Psalm 139:13-16


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