Breaking News
Saturday 28 April 2012

Info Post

If children are taught that they came from an animal, they may grow up acting like animals.  There is no purpose to life so they might as well do what they please.  The only love they will receive is the love they can attempt to earn from those around them.  Why should they obey laws since they are just made up by other human beings that came from animals?  Why not just sleep around with lots of people and party since tomorrow they may die?

However, if they are taught that they were known by a Heavenly Father since before time began, that they were knit together in their mother's womb by a loving Creator, that Jesus paid the penalty for ALL of their sins so they could live in freedom from guilt and condemnation, that their Savior is preparing a place in heaven just for them, that God calls them His child and loves them unconditionally, how do you think they are going to act?

Will they act in confidence knowing who they are in Christ? 

Will they love others deeply since they are so loved by God? 

Will they obey laws and God's commands because they know their Creator knows what is best for them? 

Will they use their time wisely knowing that this life is short and they want to glorify God in everything they do? 

Will they be generous and give freely knowing that God is their provider and one can never out give God?

Teach your children the ways of God from a very young age.  Teach them their worth is in Christ and Christ alone.  Let them know they are so valuable and loved by Him.  Help them know how to hold steadfastly onto these truths by continually reminding them and renewing their minds with God's truth.

You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.        
Deuteronomy 6:7


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