Breaking News
Tuesday 3 April 2012

Info Post

Yes, I am going to harp on this again because I think it is SO important to having a happy marriage.  I have been mentoring women for over eight years.  Every single young woman I have mentored has improved her marriage.

One of the girls I mentored recently went to a marriage retreat with her husband.  They felt like all they heard during the retreat were all the problems in marriage but given no solutions.

Ken and I went to a seminar lately and we heard that marriage is hard and we need to learn how to resolve our arguments.  The past eight years haven't been hard and we don't argue anymore.

The missing ingredient in retreats, seminars, most books about marriage, and even in pre-marital counseling is biblical submission.  No one believes in it anymore and the church doesn't teach it.  However, when I teach my young women what true biblical submission looks like, their marriages improve dramatically.

One woman's husband was having an affair.  She started practicing biblical submission and he now goes to church, bible studies, and is telling every one about God.  She is not quite sure how to handle this new found husband.  She still has hurts that need to be healed but it is truly a miracle.

Another young woman thought about divorcing her husband.  They were miserable together.  She started practicing biblical submission and they are happy with each other.  There is peace in the relationship.  She likes allowing him to lead and he likes leading.

When a woman lovingly meets her husband's needs, tries to please him, and finds out what makes him happy, the husband responds by trying to please his woman.  Biblical submission draws a man to his wife.  God's ways work.  I can't say that enough but I have seen it happen over and over again.

GOD'S WAYS WORK!!!  Society's and the church's ways aren't working.  Just look at the divorce statistics.  Let's bring biblical submission back into Christian marriages and show the world how incredible marriage can be when you do it God's way.

Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord.  For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body.  But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.
Ephesians 5:22-24


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