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Sunday 9 September 2012

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My daughter and I had our photo taken together this year and I had to laugh at the photographer, because instead of saying, "Say 'cheese'," the photographer said, "Say 'facebook'!" Of course we cracked up as he snapped the photo.

It's a sign of this new generation isn't it? I'm as guilty as the next person when it comes to wanting a good picture for my profile page. Like thousands of other people, it's important for me to put my best face forward. That includes a warm smile. :D

So what does photography have to do with our topic today? Here's an interesting little fact: look up the word "attitude" in the dictionary and you'll find out that the origin of the word comes from "attitudine," a technical term in art for the posture of a figure in a statue or painting. (

Posing is all about choosing the right position whether it be in dance, photography, art, etc. Attitude is about choosing a position of the mind.

There are two sides to any situation we face--a positive side and a negative side. The pose we strike determines which side we take. As difficult as it might be at times, we have the choice to choose our attitude at any time for the good. 

There have been times when I sense that I'm a little grumpy, and even though I know that I can let go of it and smile, I choose to hang on to it. Praise God for His grace as He gently leads this work in progress.

The tagline of my ministry is "Empowering Wives to Joyfully Serve." And the reason I chose that focus is because I firmly believe that in many cases our attitude can set the tempo in our home.

Have you ever heard the saying, "When mama's happy, everyone's happy?" I know it to be true in our home because a good attitude is not only contagious it offers a sense of assurance to others. It sends out an empowering message of contentment which is one that I want my family to pick up on because I know that Godliness with contentment is great gain. (1 Timothy 6:6)

Here are a five ways to help you strike that pose in your marriage today:
  1. Train yourself to focus on the good and tune out the bad. Your husband will especially appreciate this as you notice the little things that he does.
  2. Make sure that you're getting enough sleep. A well rested wife is a happier wife.
  3. Start the day of by spending some time with the Lord. Reading scripture and praying about your day will get you off to a great start. He will direct your paths, and work in your heart.
  4. Consider the fact that your husband is human. Offer him grace and room to grow.
  5. Avoid inspecting the grass at all costs. If you start looking over the fence at other marriages you'll soon be comparing your own husband to theirs. But because each and every one of us is unique in our own way that exercise is pointless.
And finally I'd like to leave you with two Bible verses to meditate on this week:
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. ~ Proverbs 4:23, NIV

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. ~ Romans 12:2, NIV

Are you ready for a challenge? Me Too!

P.S. My husband and I literally did the "stroll down memory lane" last weekend. We took our kids to the old foot bridge where we had our first kiss and enjoyed a picnic at the park there. It was an incredible day. AND it was my husband's idea too!

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