Put me in a room with 25 other women and I'm overwhelmed with the feeling that I'm the only one that doesn't fit in. Whether it's the idea that I'm not pretty enough, not skinny enough, not smart enough, or not funny enough, I can't help but feel less than adequate.
That's how I feel around women. Men? That's a whole different story. Our society would love to paint all men with one brush by giving us the impression that push up bras, high heels, short skirts, and long lashes are the only way to get a man and keep the one you've got. The message is that if you're not turning your husband's head someone else will. The message is that independent and strong women are the crème de la crème, and that submissive women are weak minded, feeble and frail.
I just have to stop right here and tell you that these kinds of messages are lies that will do nothing but discourage you and steer you closer to the world than you should be. First of all, submission means that we're empowered by choice, and that we're dedicated to esteeming others higher than ourselves. In other words, it's strength under control.
And secondly, your husband is unlike any other husband on the planet, and your relationship is unique to the two of you. Yes, what turns his head will be completely different from one man to the next, but the truth is that we should be more concerned about capturing his heart than we are about capturing the lust of his eyes. Dress to please your husband and feel good about yourself, but let the focus of your beauty come from an inward place that is unabashedly abandoned to Christ.
In an article call, "So Long Insecurity," Beth Moore writes, "We're going to have to let truth scream louder to our souls than the lies that have infected us."
In an article call, "So Long Insecurity," Beth Moore writes, "We're going to have to let truth scream louder to our souls than the lies that have infected us."
So what is the truth? You are God's masterpiece created with forethought, ordained unto good works. And regardless of how many billions of people there are on this earth not one of them owns the recipe that makes you the unique person you are. Not one of them can laugh the same way that you do. Not not one of them will think like you do, act like you do, or smile in the special way that you do.
You, are sewn together by the loving hands of an almighty God! Let that be the truth that speaks to your soul.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. ~ Ephesians 2:10
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You are loved by an almighty God,
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