We were watching Monday Night Football and Bob Costas commented on the Kansas City Chief who killed his girlfriend and then himself. {You probably heard about it since it was all over the news.} He said it was because of the culture of guns and they would both be alive if the man didn't have a gun.
Excuse me, Bob! Have you never heard of knives, strangling, or baseball bats. Whenever there is a murder like this, some think the solution is getting rid of guns. Think a little, please! If we outlaw guns, which is against the constitution, only the criminals will own guns. If during those mass killings when some whacko shoots a ton of people, if one of those people being shot at were carrying a gun, many lives could have been saved.
I will never understand why they want to put the blame on something or someone else, not on the person who committed evil. Instead, they should be asking if this man had a strong father when he was being raised? Did he go to church consistently? Unfortunately, they would never ask these questions. They don't seem to believe in evil except in the case of Christians. They think we are evil because we believe abortion is wrong and marriage should be between a man and a woman, but mostly because we believe in a just, holy, and loving God.
No, it is not the gun that is evil. It is the men who use them to kill innocent people. The man who wrote the article that Bob Costas referred to when he made that statement said that the NRA is similar to the KKK. No, sir, the NRA isn't the problem. The breakdown of the family, throwing biblical values out the window, a huge welfare state that gives many able-bodied people money for free, and self-discipline not being taught is the problem.
When our government decides it is more important to heavily tax the hard-working, job producing people and go dangerously in debt to give able-bodied people free money while defunding our military and police force, those who are to protect us {which should be government's main job}, I think it may be time for all law abiding citizens to buy a gun to protect their families from evil men intent on doing their families harm since this government no longer thinks protecting its citizens is a priority.
But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse,
deceiving and being deceived.
2 Timothy 3:13
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