Breaking News
Wednesday 21 March 2012

Info Post

Dennis Prager always says, "The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen."  I think it should be, "The bigger the government, the smaller the God."

The government's main job is to protect its citizens and punish evil doers according to Scripture.  The church is the one to take care of the poor and needy.  When people depend upon the government to take care of them, they stop depending upon God to take care of them.

The church does a much better job than the government.  It can discern those who are really in need.  It can rebuke those who are too lazy to work with the admonition from the Bible, Those who don't work, don't eat.

Big government makes people greedy and selfish.  We no longer need to help the poor and needy, because big government will do that.  If you ever see times of great disaster on television,  it is the neighbors and friends who come and help, not big, impersonal government.

Some think Conservatives and Republicans hate the poor, because we don't want big government helping them.  Actually, it is just the opposite.  We see how big government has destroyed poor families.  Very few poor children are growing up with fathers now.  Women don't need husbands anymore.  They can depend upon the government to take care of them.  Children need fathers who work hard much more than they need a big government!

If you live in a country with a big government, don't try to tell me how great it is doing.  All countries with big governments are in massive amounts of debt and on the verge of bankruptcy, including America.  It just doesn't work. 

So I encourage you to stop thinking government is going to solve our problems.  The bigger it gets, the worse our problems will become.  Just study history and see how this has happened over and over again.  We need to have a small, efficient government with large, productive churches.  We have a big God who promises to be our provider.  Let's teach people that instead.  He is a loving God, unlike government.

On our coins is the statement, "In God We Trust."  Let's get back to trusting God.

Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake:  whether it be to the king, as supreme; or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them to do well.
I Peter 2:13,14


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