Breaking News
Sunday 21 October 2012

Info Post

She said that she is pro-life!  I think she would be the first First Lady, if Governor Romney were elected, in my memory that actually admitted to being pro-life.  Neither President Bushs' wives admitted this.  I don't think Nancy Reagan was pro-life. 
During one of the debates Governor Romney said that he would be a "pro-life president."  Ann Romney said that while her husband was governor a bill came across his desk that would use embryos for research.  She said he could not justify the creating of human beings to experiment upon, so he vetoed the bill.
Joy Behar asked Mrs. Romney something like, "Isn't the free access to contraceptives an economic issue?"  Mrs. Romney told Joy she would have to ask her husband about this but let's think about it. 

Providing free contraceptives encourages promiscuous sex.  Contraceptives for women only do absolutely NOTHING to protect against all the sexual diseases which can lead to cancer and infertility.  It does nothing to address the psychological issues that promiscuous sex has especially upon young women.  So yes, it is an economic issue.  I believe providing free contraceptives hurts the economy.  Teach children they CAN abstain from sex.
If they believe abortion prevents unwanted children being born and protects against a population boom, the killing of human life never is the answer.  All the millions of babies that have been aborted could have been wonderful contributors to our society.
So I applaud the Romneys for being openly pro-life and not afraid to say it.
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice:
but when the wicked bears rule, the people mourn.
Proverbs 29:2


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