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Sunday 21 October 2012

Info Post

The other day I was sent to a link to a video by author Joy McClain. When I saw it was ten minutes long I considered shutting it down for later, but the thing is, I couldn't. Within minutes I discovered that her testimony is one I've been strongly impressed to share with you--in particular that God is faithful and that love is patient. 

Joy patiently waited and prayed several years for her husband, never giving up on the hope that he might come to know Christ. The results got me thinking about how many times I've given up on patience instead of holding out for God's plan.

I hope you'll be blessed as blessed by her inspiring testimony as I was.

Now, let's talk about her book! Joy is offering two copies to my readers. Woohoo! If you'd like a chance to win one, please enter through the Rafflecopter gadget below. (Subscribers, click through to the blog to enter).

Waiting For His Heart: Lessons From a Wife Who Chose to Stay

God tells us to love our enemies. But what about loving and honoring a husband who chooses to walk away from his family, setting up residence in a prison of addiction? Seldom is there a faith with the tenacity that Joy McClain displayed during her twenty-two years of praying, enduring tremendous trials and sorrow.

"I will honor my vow, no matter what," were words spoken by this young bride, believing in the promise of new life and vows spoken. The "no matter what" took this family on such a seemingly discouraging journey that even Christian family and friends believed restoration was impossible. Joy learned to place her complete hope in Christ alone, believing that God's mercy and grace is sufficient to reach even the darkest and most hardened heart - including her own.

A beautiful, transparent portrait of redemption as marriage is viewed as a living, breathing example of Christ and His bride. Readers will be encouraged and equipped to persevere through deep marital waters.

Find out more about the book and read a sample chapter at Joy's website: Joy McClain

Joy McClain has been married to Mark for twenty-seven years and is momma to four children, the youngest by the blessing of adoption. Days are full on their rural, Midwestern home as they tend to livestock, farm some ground and enjoy the growth of their family through marriages and the recent birth of their first grandson, Ezra. 

As a
song-writer, author, speaker, blogger  and mentor to women Joy is passionate about encouraging women to view God through the lens of truth rather than the sole experience of life's tainted spectacles. Joy's book, Waiting for His Heart; Lessons Learned by a Wife Who Chose to Stay, (Moody Publishing) is a transparent look at her family's journey with her husband's two-decade struggle with addictions, valuable lessons God spoke to her through that time and an encouragement to women facing difficult circumstances. 

Read to enter? Here are some of the links you might need! 

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