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Monday 20 August 2012

Info Post

God doesn't want us to focus on getting out of our circumstances, He wants to grow us and bless us and use us IN our circumstances.
Carol Hopson

When people are unhappy in their marriages, they want out.  They believe that if they can get out of their marriage, they will be happy.  It is a lie.

This life isn't about being happy.  It is about doing God's will, loving others, and becoming more like Jesus.  When you truly believe this, you will do your part in saving your marriage.

When I mentor women, the first thing I try to get them to see is their part in the destruction of their marriage.  We somehow think that all of our problems are from other people and not ourselves.  When we are true with ourselves and can admit our sins, we can then start changing.

If you aren't happy in your marriage, my suggestion to you is to forget yourself and start doing everything you can to make your husband happy.  The more we can get our minds off of ourselves, the happier we will be and the more others will enjoy being around us.

I have heard that the greatest cure for depression is to start serving and helping others.  I think God knew what He was talking about when He commanded us to love others.  He knew this would bring the greatest joy in our lives.

Then, miracle of miracles, as you start loving others, you may forget all about your problems and start becoming joyful!  Then you will start looking more and more like Jesus and your husband won't be able to help himself when he starts loving you like crazy.

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ.


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